
Contact Us

If you have a question, an idea or would just like to say hello, please use the contact form or email address below and we will get back to you ASAP.

[email protected]

Want to send us something in the post?
Our address is: nzweekend, Caburn House, Brooks Road, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2BY, (+48)499253450.

Waiting for a delivery? 
We aim to send all orders the next working day, but there may be delays during busy periods. We'll send you a delivery confirmation email when your order is on its way, along with a tracking link. Find more information about shipping and deliveries here

Have a query about a product?
Want to know more about sizing? Need some shopping ideas or advice about what gift a toddler or an 8 year old would love? Drop us a line, we'd love to help!

Want to stock your brand at nzweekend?
Tell us more! We're always looking for new brands to join our carefully curated collection. However, we do receive a lot of emails from potential suppliers, so please don't be offended if we don't get back to you immediately. (And also please don't sent gigantic email attachments straightaway!)

Influencers & collaborations
We're an indie business so only collaborate with a very small number of influencers and brands. But if you think that we're a great match, then please get in contact and tell us why exactly why we'd be a good fit, along with your proposal and any rates.