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#ScoutingForGifts Competition-nzweekend

#ScoutingForGifts Competition




We're giving away three special prize packages in our #ScoutingForGifts competition. Three winners can choose a gift worth up to £15 every month for six months, which we'll gift wrap and send directly to the recipient of your choice, along with a gift note from you. So that's six birthdays, baby showers, special occasions or just show-someone-you-love-them presents sorted, without you having to lift a finger! 

There are three chances to win as we are giving away a prize each on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. The competition ends at midnight on Tuesday, 9th May 2017 and winners will be announced on Thursday, 11th May 2017.


Via Twitter

- Retweet the competition tweet (you'll find this pinned at the top of our @scoutandcokids Twitter feed here), which includes #IAmScoutingForGifts

- You can retweet this as many times as you like – each retweet counts as a separate entry. The winner will be selected at random. 

Via Pinterest

- Create a Pinterest board called #IAmScoutingForGifts and pin your favourite gifts from our nzweekend website (each pin must link directly to our site).

- We will choose the winner based on merit – the board we think is the best curated – so feel free to add in captions about who you'd give the item to and why you like it. 

- You can create as many boards as you like during the competition and each one will count as a separate entry.

- We suggest that you use the #IAmScoutingForGifts competition image (like the one above - you'll find it on our Pinterest page @scoutandcokids here) on your boards. This is just to help us find the entries – it won't affect the judging. 

Via Instagram

- Like the competition image on Instagram (it looks like the above pic). 

- Follow us @scoutandcokids on Instagram.

- Tag a friend who you think will like nzweekend or the competition in the comments below the post. You can tag up to three friends in separate comments. Each one counts as a separate entry.

- A winner will be chosen at random.

 Read full terms and conditions here.